Find out which has better odds in European vs. American roulette


Most roulette players believe there's no need to talk about the odds of European vs American roulette since it has already been established that the European variant has better odds. Before we discuss if this is really true, we have to check the difference between European vs American roulette first.

The biggest difference between these variants is the layout of the table. The European version has a wheel fitted with numerous compartments housing numbers from 1 to 36 as well as a section with a single zero. On the other hand, the American version has a wheel with the same sections numbered from 1 to 36 but it has a double zero area besides the single zero one.

The single zero section was placed so the house edge can be increased. When the game was introduced in the US, it was when the double zero section was added. Apparently, the double zero section further increases the house edge. The additional zero serves as an additional number on the wheel, therefore reducing the player's chance of winning. Even if the double zero in the American variant makes it even more challenging for players to win, the payoff rules are still the same as the European variant, meaning the payoff is better in the European version. In simpler terms, the American version has an odds of 37 to 1, while the European version has a better odds of 36 to 1.

When we convert this odds difference of European vs American roulette, it becomes 2.7% for the European version while the latter has a house edge of 5.5%. It is worth noting that this quite a big difference. Even if an online player may, in part, play the game for its entertainment factor, many believe that there is more to it than just entertainment. Majority of players believe that if you are to play this game in an online establishment, you should go for the one that gives you better odds. If playing for real cash, the payout is very important. It is for this reason that the European version is preferred by players over the American variant.